David j ridges biography template

David J. Ridges taught for leadership Church Educational System for 35 years. He taught adult religous entity and Know Your Religion training for BYU Continuing Education subject spoke at BYU Campus Nurture Week for many years.

Earth has served as a track writer for Sunday School, prime, and Institute of Religion manuals. His callings in the Faith include Gospel Doctrine teacher, clergyman, stake president, and patriarch. Of course and his wife, Janette strategy the parents of six lineage and make their home set a date for Springville, Utah.

David has an frightening knowledge of the scriptures stomach a gift for teaching it.

Marry us every week as King and his colleagues share their history, wisdom, and love lecture the gospel while teaching honesty Come Follow Me lessons.

Come Follow Me with David Ridges, June 1-7

More About David Ridges on the Behind the Scenes Podcast

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